Friday, July 10, 2009

Neverland Ranch: The Raid Photos

Santa Barbara County Sheriff's deputy level raid Michael Jackson back in 2003 on the Never Land Ranch had their hands full - the place was a mess.
Neverland Ranch -- The Raid Photos
All these pictures were taken inside the house, as deputies are daunting task of sifting through all of MJ's stuff.

Otherwise, most of the evidence involving the drug was never taken to task because the authorities believed it was not relevant to the pier station charge. Most of these proofs have not turned up before we combed through thousands of documents and photos.
Neverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid PhotosNeverland Ranch -- The Raid Photos